Tuesday, June 6, 2017

We Were Liars by E. Lockhart

    Image result for we were liars book 

     Cadence Sinclair Eastman struggles to remember what happened to her during her fifteenth summer. The story tells about the life of Cadence and the rich Democrat members of her family as they struggle to deal with a tragedy to which they have all have something to do with. Cadence’s family has always went out of their way to be perfect in every way. During the summer vacation the year of the "incident" on her family’s private island, Cadence has an accident which causes her to suffer horrible headaches. Additionally, Cadence has amnesia, and can’t remember the details of what happened to her that summer. She sees herself as damaged and believes she no longer fits with her perfect family. To make matters worse, her mother and others won’t tell her the details of her accident. Nearly two years after her accident, she still hasn’t heard from the group of closest cousins and her boyfriend — a group known as The Liars — who were her constant companions while on the island. Struggling to piece together the mysteries from that summer, Cadence is doing everything she can to make sense of things, even if it means digging up old memories of The Liars.
     I loved this book because it didn't have too much drama or suspense. Somehow it was the perfect blend that made the book unlike any other that I've read before. Also, the point of view of Cadence is interesting because she is struggling to remember what happened, just as the reader is trying to piece things together. This book was well-thought out, and very popular for good reason. 
Nicki Garofalo #40BookChallenge

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