Monday, June 12, 2017

Fairest of All Serena Valentino

            The genre of this book is fantasy because there is a magical mirror in Fairest of All. The Evil Queen, who is not quite evil in the beginning of this story. She was once a gorgeous woman, everything about her was beautiful. She lived amazingly after she had married The King and Snow White being her daughter and a maid that was like a sister to her. Just like The Evil Queen, Snow was similar to her, her mother died. After unexpected events The Evil Queen became very depressed, but the mirror started to cheer her up by telling The Evil Queen that she was the fairest in the kingdom. The Evil Queen became obsessed with being the fairest, even kicking out her own maid. She soon became insane.
            I recommend this book because it is a wonderful book. The story is well told and is an interesting topic. Fairest of All is based off of Disney's movie Snow White and The Seven Dwarfs. The story is quite different than the original and has it's own qualities. It's a totally different view of the way we saw her before.  I recommend this book to anyone who loves Disney or fairy tales.

Kayla M.      Spicer 8-9

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