Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Heart of a samurai by: Margi Preus

          This blog is about Heart of a Samurai By Margi Preus. This a Historical nonfiction book because you the author said herself that this is a true story. The book starts a boy named Manjiro in a poor village in japan and he is trying to capture fish for his family with Denzo, Goemon, Jusuke, and Toraemon. suddenly out of the blue a storm appears and takes the crew to a deserted island where they stay and live for a short while. Until one day they see a ship and try to get it's attention. When the ship was alerted Manjiro and his crew were saved by captain whitfield. Soon Manjiro had been adopted by the captain and taken to america. Manjiro learned so many new things about the new world since he had never been outside his village before. Although he liked this new world he sooned left back for Japan and shared information with everyone in the village. In conclusion Heart of a Samurai is a good a book you should read.

          I think Heart of a Samurai is an amazing book for seventh and eighth graders should read. It  has a fantastic story, showing how Manjiro gets stranded but found out that there is a lot more than he thought there was. It has a variety of japanese culture such as artwork and the names of characters. The characters are relatable, for example when Manjiro is away from home he is curious about what the world is like beyond the village. Overall  Heart of a Samurai is  a good book that I suggest everyone should read over the summer.

Javon W.                                                                                       6/13/17

PD 5,6                                                                                                                           Language arts

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