Monday, June 5, 2017

Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell

    Image result for fanfiction book

      Cath is the world's biggest Simon Snow fan, and she's just starting college. She and her twin sister, Wren, used to be obsessed with Simon Snow together. With the beginning of their college career, however, Wren is trying to distance herself from Simon Snow, and from Cath. Cather just wants everything to stay the way it used to be, but Wren's ready to grow up and start her life, and that means without Cath. Cath starts off miserable in college- she's very shy, and always worried about her bipolar father, whose disorder has him working himself too much, to the point of exhaustion. She avoids socializing by focusing on her Simon Snow fanficton, and this ends up damaging both her social life and her academics, especially with a creative writing professor who's very against her fanfiction. However, Cath is pulled out of her own awkward sadness by Reagan, her roommate, and Nick, her writing partner in her creative writing class. She's also forced to interact with Levi, Reagan's boyfriend, who's unnecessary kindness won't allow him to let Cath isolate herself from the world. Cath still wants to hold on to the old life she's always had, but it might be time for her to grow up.
      This is another coming of age novel that I enjoyed. Throughout the story, you'll find yourself rooting for Cath on her on self-journey of growing up and realizing things. This book just proves that surrounding yourself with positive people will positively affect your life. Before this book, I wasn't familiar with fanfiction, but now I'm glad I'm aware of the fact.

Nicki Garofalo #40BookChallenge

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