Monday, June 12, 2017

Since You've Been Gone by Morgan Matson

             The genre of my book is realistic fiction. I know that my book "Since You've Been Gone" is realistic fiction because it is not based off of a true story, but the events and the plot of this book could happen in real life. My book is really interesting, so i'll tell you the basic gist of my book! The first event that happens in my book is that Sloane (Which is Emily's best friend) dissapears. Gone. And Emily goes absolutely crazy looking for her best friend Sloane, everywhere. But, the only thing that Sloane leaves behind, is a list of 13 things that Sloane wrote down for Emily to do over the summer, and remember, Emily is very shy, and would never do anything on the list. But, Emily believed that is she did the tasks, it would lead her back to Sloane, so along the way of Emily completing the list, she finds unexpected people that helped her surprisingly a lot! Like Frank porter, and Dawn. Just in case you do read the book, I don't want to give the ending away, so there is the basic plot of my book, "Since You've Been Gone."

          I strongly believe that you should read the book "Since You've Been Gone" because it takes you on a roller coaster through your mind! This book is always making you ask yourself "What's going to happen next?" or "Oh my gosh, did that really just happen?" You always want to read more and more of this book, it's hard to stop at a specific place in the book, everything is so interesting! This is a young adult book, and it's a novel. May I mention that this is my favorite book? I really loved this book, and I recommend it strongly, so i suggest that you read this book too!

Maddy C.                  Pds 5-6

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