Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Double Identity by Margaret Peterson Haddix

        The title of my book is called Double Identity by Margaret Peterson Haddix. The genre of my book is Mystery because most of the actions in my book are suspenseful and exciting. Anyways, the exposition in my book is when Bethany is approaching her thirteenth birthday when her parents act strange and are always crying around her. That next morning, Bethany has to pack all of her belongings and hustle into the car and drive countless hours across several states and arrive in a little town in Missouri where her aunt Myrlie lives. Her parents drop her off but don't say anything, they just say goodbye and don't tell her when they will be back. The rising action is where Bethany gets many stares and comments on her looks and how she looks like this girl Elizabeth. Who is that? Where is she? Well, the climax is where she gets multiple calls from her dad from a telephone that doesn't show the number, so of course she can't call back. She gets a call from her mom and she seems all loopy and sounds very weird. Bethany, can't even figure out what she is saying. The falling action is where Bethany receives a mysterious package in the mail from her dad, which has multiple birth certificates with her name but different last names. She could be any of them without knowing. There was also loads and loads of money in it. Meaning hundreds of thousands of dollars. Lastly, the resolution is where she finds out who Elizabeth is and why she looks so much like her.
         I loved this book because I could really see the image in my head. It gave so much suspense and you could always try to match the pieces together, and guess if you get it right. I even guessed the ending. I truly believe you should try reading this book if you are in for a ride of your life. It takes you down the days counted by Bethany and see how she handles the situation. Well, this is a very good book and I think you should try reading it and see if you like it.
                                                       by Madison McGrath

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