Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Last Sacrifice by Richelle Mead

     Rose Hathaway has always played by her own rules (She's cool like that). She broke the law when she ran away from St. Vladimir's Academy with her best friend, Lissa. She broke the law when she fell in love with her off-limits instructor, Dimitri. And she also defied Queen Tatiana, leader of the Moroi world, by risking her life to protect generations of dhampir guardians to come. Now the law has finally caught up with Rose - for a crime she didn't even commit. She's in prison for the unimaginable: the destruction of a monarch. She'll need help from both Dimitri and Adrian to find the one living person who can stall her execution and force the Moroi elite to acknowledge a shocking new candidate for the royal throne: Lissa Dragomir.

    This series is amazing beyond words and I couldn't of asked for a better conclusion. I've never once got bored of  of the series and I enjoyed every page. Each character is developed very thoroughly throughout each book and you feel like you know them. This book is perfect for any teenage girl who likes action adventure. Please go check this book out!

Nicki Garofalo #40BookChallenge

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