Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Holding Up the Universe by Jennifer Niven

Holding Up the Universe by Jennifer Niven is an intriguing novel full of real emotions, relatable conflicts, and an average high school setting which make it realistic fiction. Libby Strout, formerly known as “America’s fattest teen”, finally decided to go back to public school are years of weight loss and coping with her mother’s death. As soon as she got to school, she recognized all the people from elementary school. Unlike Libby, Jack Masselin can’t recognize people, and it isn’t because his ultra popularity. His brain has a problem that makes him incapable of recognizing people’s faces, even his family. Libby finds out about this problem, and she also finds out that Jack keeps this a secret. Libby can either help Jack, or release his secret. She chose to help him and maybe become friends with him, or more than friends.

When I was reading this book, I took it with me everywhere I went and never put it down. The first reason I loved it was because it has relatable scenarios. For example, Libby put herself down because she was self conscious. Also, the characters have very interesting traits. Libby was so big that she had to get cut out of her house when she was younger, and Jack can’t even recognize his own brothers.  Lastly, the book is very descriptive and helps you visualize the character’s faces. Overall, I would definitely recommend this book to anyone who loves realistic fiction books!

-Sophia S.1/3


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