Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Gutless by Carl Deuker

     The book Gutless by Carl Deuker is a realistic fiction book about a fifteen year old boy named Brock Ripley who faces problems of high school. Brock is a very bright student and a naturally gifted athlete. He has the skills of a great wide receiver in football and is a superb goalie in soccer. But he has an issue. Whenever he is faced with a tough situation, he lacks the courage to face it. On the sports field, Brock lacks the bravery needed to make a physical play, even if it means losing the game. Off the field, Brock lacks the guts to stand up for his friend, Richie Fang, who is getting bullied by star quarterback of the high school varsity football team, Hunter Gates. But as the school year goes by, Brock's life becomes more of a mess. Brock's soccer and football teammates think of him as a coward and Hunter gets more and more vindictive towards Richie. But when things take a turn for the worst, can Brock prove that he is not as gutless as people think he is, or will he be known as a coward forever? Find out in Gutless by Carl Deuker.

   I really loved Gutless!This is because it is very relatable, has a very interesting plot, and is very action packed. This book is relatable because Brock is about the same age as me - he is fifteen while I am thirteen. He also faces bullies, which I can relate to. Additionally, the book is very interesting because it always makes the reader want to know what happens next. For example, whenever Hunter bullies Brock and Richie, the author creates an aura of suspense which always makes the reader wonder how Brock and Richie will respond to Hunter. Finally, I really loved this  book because it is filled with lots of action. There is always something happening in the book, like Hunter fighting Brock and Richie, or a fast paced sports game. The author made sure that the book would never become boring. I would recommend this book to people who love soccer and football because this book has a lot of soccer and football terminology, so parts of the book can become boring  to people who don't know how to play either sport. Overall Gutless is a great book and it will intrigue you until the very last page!

Gatik Gogia                                            Spicer Pds 1/3

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