Thursday, June 8, 2017


     Undertow, by Michael Buckley, is about Lyric Walker. She lives on Coney Island, where things are about to change. Lyric witnesses the arrival of 30,000 Alphas to her home They are warriors from the ocean. At first, they seemed like mermaids come to life, but soon they become the object of fear and violence. Lyric is recruited to help the Alpha prince, and soon they begin to fall in love. But she learns that there is something more dangerous out there. Something humans will need the Alphas for protection from.
      This book was really interesting. The beginning was kind of confusing, but towards the middle it makes more sense. The plot twists were so cool; I completely didn't see them coming. The characters are fun and quirky. I hope you love this book as much as I do.

Areeba Wani

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