Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Croak by Gina Damico

         My book is called Croak by Gina Damico. The genre of my book is mystery/sci fi, because the characters go through space and time. The main characters are Lex, Cordy, Uncle Mort, and Zara. What happened is a juvenile delinquent named Lex was, at the end of her high school year, sent to her Uncle Mort's farm as a punishment. When she gets there(to a city called Croak), she realizes that Uncle Mort isn't a farmer, but a grim reaper. She was purposely brought here so that she could become a grim reaper too. But as soon as she gets there, people start mysteriously dying. They all have something in common, they have all committed some type of crime. It had to be someone from Croak because there eyes were turning white and they couldn't find the cause of death. Everyone came to the conclusion that the person who did it wanted to stop the people from hurting anyone. Lex had to find out who did it, and stop them from killing people.

       My personal opinion of this book is great. Croak is the best book I have read in 7th grade. It always has just enough detail, not too much to bore you and enough so you understand what is happening. There is almost never a dull moment in the book. My final reason is that the book doesn't use stupid little kid words like bamboozle. I would recommend this book to young teens and people who enjoy suspense.
                     By: Kevin L.        Teacher: Spicer     Period: 8 & 9

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