Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Blood Promise by Richelle Mead

   Rose Hathaway's life will never be the same.  The recent attack on St. Vladimir's Academy changed the entire Moroi world. Many are dead, but for the few victims carried off by Strigoi, their fates are even worse (turned into a Strigoi). A rare tattoo now adorns Rose's neck, a mark that says she's killed far too many Strigoi to count. But only one victim matters ... Dimitri Belikov. Rose must now choose between two very different paths: honoring her vow to protect Lissa— the last surviving Dragomir princess—or, dropping out of the Academy to hunt down the man she loves. She'll have to find Dimitri and keep the promise he begged her to make. But the question is, when the time comes, will he want to be saved? 

     This series really has me hooked and I can't get enough. You'll be  Ching to finish it, and it will keep you on the edge of your seat the entire time. Rose is a very independent and strong character, which I admire in her.  This book is great for any girl who loves action, adventure, and drama.

Nicki Garofalo #40BookChallenge

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