Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Hope Was Here

     Hope Was Here, by Joan Bauer, is about Hope. When she and her aunt move to Wisconsin, they meet G.T., the owner of a diner in town. They start doing what they know best, Hope waitressing, and her aunt cooking. G.T. has cancer, but he's not ready to give up hope just yet. He decides to run for mayor against a powerful and corrupt opponent. Soon, Hope finds herself caught up in G.T.'s campaign. But can things really work out when the other candidate starts using his power?
     This book was surprisingly moving. G.T. and Hope's characters are so unique and good-hearted, I fell in love with them instantly. The plot is also very interesting. I didn't think I would like this book, but I really did. I would recommend this book.

Areeba Wani

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