Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Moon Rising by Tui Sutherland

Imagine living in a forest. You were born in it and it has given you a gift. The gift is to read minds. That's the situation that Moon is in. Her full name is Moonwatcher. She is taken out of her calm forest and placed in a school. She was homeschooled for the previous years of her life. She has to make friends. But then there is that mysterious voice in her head. Who can understand how she is feeling? It all depends.
I would rate this book a 9/10 because the writing style is good and everything. The only thing is that this book has to deal with a whole lot of craziness. It's hard to wrap your head around all of it. The best thing about this book is that there is a lot of mystery in this book. Also to mention this book is fantasy.

By: Tharun Iyer #40bookchallenge

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