Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Image result for fan art sarah tregay The book Fan Art by Sarah Tregay is a realistic fiction because it is about a normal highschool boy, well, as normal as a high school senior can get.  Jamie has everything he could want, a job on the school newspaper, a great family,  a best friend, Mason, and a wonderful art career ahead of him.  But everything flips when one of his 'friends' from art class ask him to enter a piece of artwork with two boys falling in love, and when it gets rejected, he's determined to get it published.  It hit Jamie extra hard because he's gay, but only out to his family.  He hasn't even told Mason out of fear of rejection.  But when he realizes he might have a little crush on his best friend, things start to spiral out of control.  And with prom coming up, Jamie and his new art friend, Eden (a lesbian), will have to figure it out.

       I would definitely recommend this book to anyone who loves a good love story.  This book isn't your typical Romeo and Juliet story, but it will leave you wanting more and more.  Jamie has to go through lots of ups and downs between school and friendship.  The book is about finding yourself and for standing up for what you believe in.  It is a book that shows you what reality is like for some people when dealing with their sexuality and is painfully honest.  I would say this book is only for those who are comfortable with the topic of the LGBTQIA+ and the community.  This is one of my favorite books ever and I hope it becomes one of yours, too.

Ava Y. Spicer 1,3

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