Monday, June 5, 2017

Frost Bite by Richelle Mead

    Image result for frostbite book

     Rose has a lot of problems. Her unrealistic crush on her older vampire slaying tutor, Dimitri, is into someone else. Her best friend, Mason, has a huge crush on her. And she keeps getting trapped in the mind of her royal vampire princess of a best friend, Lissa, during awkward moments, like when she's with her boyfriend Christian.
    A nearby Strigoi (the bad vampires) attack makes the St. Vladimir Academy send it's students on a mandatory holiday ski trip. While trying to make students feel safe, everyone is really on edge, so a few students sneak off to fight back against the Strigoi. Rose with the help of Lissa's boyfriend Christian are left to go try and clean the mess that the students got themselves into. But Rose- and her heart- are in way more danger than she'd ever expected.

     I am a sucker for vampire novels, and I really enjoyed this whole series. Of course it has is cliché moments, but I really liked the action and slight mystery behind it, unlike the Twilight series. This whole book has a sarcastic and ironic tone to it which is very unique, refreshing, and comical. It made this book 10x more interesting.

Nicki Garofalo #40BookChallenge

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