Monday, June 12, 2017

Rain Reign By Ann M Martin

Emmanuel Payton-Guzman                                 6/12/17

Periods 8/9 Language arts 
Image result for rain reign
   Rain Reign is a realistic fiction book because the events in the book can actually happen. The main characters are Rose, a seven year old girl who has OCD, Asperger's syndrome, and an obsession with homonyms Rose also has a black labrador. Rain is a black lab that is Rose’s best friend but Rose's dad doesn't like her as much. Roses dad is raising a Rose by himself but his greatest weakness is he thinks he doesn't need help from anyone, ever. Roses uncle Weldon just wants to protect Rose and Rain because sometimes her father comes home from the bar and gets out of hand. Lastly Roses  mother has been out of the picture since Rain was little. All week on the news people have been talking about a hurricane that’s coming straight to town. Moments before the storm hits Roses dad lets Rain out to use the bathroom minutes later Rain is nowhere to be found.

I would recommend this book because it's a heartwarming and sad story.Also it's told in a unique point of view that we can not relate to. Rain Reign also shows Roses struggles and difficulties we don't have to go through and experience. Overall Rain Reign is a stupendous read with unique vocabulary and if you're a dog person this book is for you.

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