Monday, June 12, 2017

Unwind, Neal Shusterman

Image result for unwindThe book Unwind by Neal Shusterman is a science fiction.The reason this book would be categorized in science-fiction is because it includes technology that doesn't exist now, like the kind of technology surgeons have where they can take your arm off and put it on someone else who doesn't have an arm. The book starts off with the main character, Connor, running away from his own unwinding, which is what they call when they take your body apart. He is running away with Risa Ward, a teenager that was also sent to be unwinded by her school, which is where they take in orphans, ones like Risa. Connor is also running away with a tithe, a person who grows up to believe that he is supposed to be unwinded so they volunteer themselves. This takes place in America and has the characters traveling everywhere around the world, running away. The unwinding process meaning, being taken away from your house by cops because your parents didn't want you anymore, they would usually do this to kids who are bad or have bad grades.Then you get taken away to harvest camp, where the unwinding takes place. Fortunately, they can't unwind people if they're 18, but they can unwind you when you're at the ages thirteen to seventeen. I believe that this is possible to happen in the future, especially after a war where the soldiers can lose their body part, just like the war in Unwind.

This is, in my opinion, the best book I've ever read so far. The reason for this is because Neal Shusterman is a great author and knows how to make the reader feel whatever the character is feeling. He also makes you want to keep reading. Lastly, this book will keep you on the edge of your seat I would recommend this book to people who are in sixth grade and even to adults.

Fatima Almatary Periods: 5 and 6

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