Tuesday, June 13, 2017

The Compound By S.A. Bodeen

My favorite book i read this year was The Compound by S.A. Bodeen. The genre is science fiction because ¨spoilers¨ there is human cloning in the story. It started with the main character Eli and his mother, sisters, and dad running to their private fallout shelter after being told that a nuke was heading towards the US when they get to shelter they realize that eli's brother and grandma aren't there but eli's dad says it's too late and closes the compound doors. Eli and his family are very rich so the compound is high tech and big. Rex eli's father built the compound and said during a nuclear attack they would have to stay in the compound for six years. Four years later Eli's mother gets pregnant. Eli started to get suspicious about his dad who spends every day in his office. Elis curiosity causes him to sneak into his dad's office, ¨spoilers¨ he finds his dad is human cloning. Eli's dad comes in the office and tells Eli that's the only way they will survive by eating the clones or supplements that's what his dad calls them. A few months later the supplements are born and Eli is taking care of them. One day Eli finds his brothers new computer which he never got. When on it he got a wifi connection he sends a message to his brothers account to make it feel like he was still alive. Then he got a message asking who it was Eli said his name it turns out he was talking to his brother who was still alive it turns out that Eli's dad was lying to his family for four years there was never any nuclear attack. find out that they known Eli then escapes with his family and the clones and returns to the world.

I personally love this book and i think you would love it to because every time i read it i could not put it down. even when i went to a new class i would read it in the hallway even though i knew it was dangerous i still wouldn't. their is also so many cliffhangers every time i put the book down i needed to keep reading while reading my jaw would be left dragging on the floor i bet it would do the same with you to.

Logan Santino                                     June 13 2017

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