Tuesday, June 13, 2017

A Dog's Purpose by: W. Bruce Cameron

A Dog's Purpose by W. Bruce Cameron is a realistic fiction masterpiece. The genre is realistic fiction because the events are all real things that can happen, like the unconditional love between a dog and his boy. A Dog's Purpose is about a dog that comes alive over and over again, living his life through different dog's bodies. All this dog wants to do is fulfill his purpose in life. As the story begins it starts with Toby, a stray dog confused by what he is supposed to do. Toby doesn't realize his purpose in life until he passes, to be by a human's side. Toby comes back on earth different, like a different dog different. Toby was now a dog called Bailey. But, no matter whom Bailey was, he knew his purpose was to stick close to his boy's side. So, throughout Bailey's life, thick and thin, Bailey was by the boy's side. Up in til the day, hour, minute, second when Bailey passed away, the boy was by his side. As Bailey drifted off to sleep he knew he would once again, come alive.
    As Bailey opened his eyes he realized he was different... yet again! Bailey looked around when he noticed he had gone from he to she. Now Bailey was a girl. But, there was no time to spare, Bailey was now called Ellie, a working K-9 police dog with crime to fight. Ellie was hardworking, but couldn't understand why her new owner only wanted to work, not play. More importantly where her boy had gone. One day, Ellie was on the job with her new owner, when he was shot. However, he didn't die, the officer was instead injured and could no longer work. Not wanting to discontinue Ellie's work she moves on to a different officer to work with. Ellie lives a long happy life with her new owner, until she passes. Then, POW! Ellie was awake again, but as a boy puppy named Buddy. Buddy was happy to be back alive again, but he didn’t know why? Surely, after all these lives he had been through, he had found his purpose. But, why was he back? To find out you will have to read the book.

    In my opinion, A Dog’s Purpose is a great book. This is because the book is told from the dog’s point of view. So, instead of the narrator saying what Bailey was doing Bailey tells the reader what he is doing. Also, since the story is told by the dog it makes it more exciting for the reader because we don’t know what dogs or any animal is thinking. In addition, the word choice is interesting and engaging making you want to read till the end. Overall, I would recommend this book to any animal lovers and a good book!

Jillian S. Spicer 1/3

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