Thursday, June 8, 2017


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Imagine a world where hats can actually do things, instead of sit on your head. They can feed you, give you courage, and many more things. What about a wolrd where you can Actually get your future told, do to three people? Lemon Tarts, Pumpkin Pie, And Rose Macaroons. All you can eat, but be carful which one you take... Heartless is almost a spin off, or what has happened before Alice in Wonderland. It tells the story of Catherine, where many people Expect her to be the queen of Hearts, but she doesn't want to be. The slightttlly annoying King of Hearts is head over heels for her, but she feels in no way the same. Just when she thinks she doesn't need to fall in love, the court joker comes around. What Mother in her right mind would let her daughter of at Marquess marry A joker. Not many, and that includes Cath's mom. Secrets to be kept, Will Cath and the Joker's love succeed?

Overall, My rating for this book is 4.8 Stars. The reason I say .5 stars instead of 5, is because this book was very close to pulling off an absoulutely great book. In the VERY begging, it was very interesting, but not so much that some people would want to keep reading. Most nooks have to have that hook, that make the people want to read it non-stop. If Marissa Meyer did such, This book without a doubt would be absolutely perfect. Towards the middle though, It was sooo good!

-Chynelle #40 Book Challenge


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