Monday, February 13, 2012

Twisted By Laurie Halse Anderson

How would you react if you saw your girlfriend drunk, at a party, in a dark room, with the door closed, and with another guy? When Josh gets to their Homecoming party, “stuff happened,” pictures were taken, and they were put on the Internet. Josh, because of his bad reputation, gets blamed. Police think he did it. What happens next? How does he respond to it?
Josh is the main character in this jaw-dropping book. He gets one of the most popular girls in the high school by getting in trouble and having to do community service that makes him ripped. He goes from geek to strongest person in the school.
This book is very entertaining. I was on the edge of my seat the whole time I was reading it. There is a lot of suspense because of all the action and because of how unpredictable Josh’s reactions are. I especially like the part when Josh walks in to see his friend getting beaten up in the locker room. He goes crazy to protect his friend. After that those kids didn’t ever mess with them. I liked that part because I would want my friends to do that for me because I would do that for them.  That is what friends do!
He has had a very hard life and when it just starts to get good, it goes terribly wrong, shockingly even almost to the point of suicide. That makes for a good on edge read. This is like a real high school story. I think it is one of the best books I have read. I would recommend this to anyone who likes suspense, and an up and down story about high school kids’ lives.    
Matt D. 
Ms. Heater 

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