Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Dark Song By Gail Giles

         Ames thought she had the perfect life. Parents who would never lie, a loving sister, and everything she ever wanted. So why did she consider having her parents murdered?
            Gail Giles opened up my eyes to Ames’s powerful hatred that I didn’t know existed in people. In Dark Song, Ames’s rancor could lead her to a mistake that she would always regret. Ames wasn’t always filled with this severe anger and resentment; she used to be an ordinary teenager. She went to school, was amiable with her parents, and believed that her dad was a hero. Until she found out that her “hero” was a liar. He kept secrets so big that it transformed her family into a war zone. No one would guess that these secrets would lead Ames to fall in love with a dangerous guy that would kill anyone who gave Ames vexation.
            Dark Song is a maniacal story that I couldn’t put down. Gail Giles wrote this book based off of daughters and sons murdering their parents, which captivated me even more. I would recommend this book to anyone who enjoys reading dark realistic fiction with a twist because that is exactly what this book is. Dark Song is creepy but not scary, like a PG-13 movie on the verge of being Rated R. It keeps you on your toes. If you like books like that, then you should read Dark Song.
            Remember, would you have you parents murdered?

Aaliyah B.
Miss Heater

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