Monday, February 27, 2012

Purple Heart By Patricia McCormick

Cover imageWake …. people see it many ways. Someone can wake when he has a realization point in his life. Someone can wake when he knows who he really is or destined to be. Most people live when they’re awake, and rest when they sleep; while others rest when they’re awake and live when they sleep, or sometimes-in thought. Most people see the word wake and think of a 6 a.m alarm clock buzzer, but for Matt it was a struggle, a journey and a beginning from an escaped end.
When I picked up this book I expected blood, gore, and a non-stop slaughterhouse. But what I found was a very drama- filled story. Almost all of the beginning of the story took place in a hospital bed and had many flashbacks. It is a realistic fiction story, but it has a twist of mystery in it. There are a few spots in the book of violence and death, but definitely is not very bloody. It does include a lot of military weaponry and intelligence. It has a mid-moving pace and a reasonable amount of dialogue. This story deserves all the publicity it’s getting. I wouldn’t recommend this book to anyone looking for a violent and bloody book. Although I would recommend this to anyone looking for a book filled with drama and betrayal. It may seem hard to accept for any readers not a fan of war books, but is definitely worth a try.

Ryan S.
Miss Heater

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