Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Million-Dollar Throw By Mike Lupica

       What if you were the god of everything and nobody could beat you? But the only way to save the your most prized possession is to give up all of your powers? What would you do? Well, it doesn’t matter because that’s not what this book is about HAHA. Million-Dollar Throw is about the star quarterback of the Patriots, Nate, also known as Brady. He is only thirteen years old, but he gets chosen to try and hit his target from thirty yards away. This is almost impossible even for the best there is.
            I believe that Nate will be able to make the throw. He is good enough to do it in my opinion. What do you think? Do you think that this is even possible? Many people don’t and they doubt Nate’s skills. Will he win the million dollars or will his dreams be pulverized when he misses the throw in front of everybody on live T.V.?
Michael U.
Miss Heater

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