Monday, February 13, 2012

Fahrenheit 451 By Ray Bradbury

Watch out!  Fahrenheit 451 is starting fires in the hearts of students everywhere.  This red-hot science fiction novel will change your entire perspective about today’s modern world and society.  This futuristic novel is mainly about a fireman named Guy Montag.  The only dilemma is that in his world, firemen don’t put out fires; they start them.  Reading is forbidden and the dictator-like government thrives off of the ignorance of its citizens.  To enforce this crazy law, firemen burn every book they find.  As if that isn’t enough, it’s not just the book that gets burned; the whole house goes up in an incinerating blaze.  Montag enjoyed his job until a young girl changes his entire view on life.
I picked up this novel intending for a more complicated read. Although there is a lot that happens rapidly and it can be confusing at times, this novel is a classic and is a very enjoyable to read.  The metaphors and literary devices create suspense and keep you turning the pages.  I really recommend this book to anyone who is looking for classic literature and a more complicated read.  I hope you read and enjoy Fahrenheit 451.
 Mike W.
Ms. Heater

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