Monday, February 13, 2012

one of those hideous books where the mother dies By Sonya Sones

Could you imagine that during your sophomore year of high school your mother dies, and you have to move to the other side of the country with your famous dad whom you’ve never met before? Well, that’s what happens with Ruby in the book, one of those hideous books where the mother dies by Sonya Sones.  Ruby thinks her dad is the most arrogant, worst guy you will ever meet. She only thinks this because he left her mother when she was pregnant to move on with his career. Ruby will never forgive him, but the father is trying really hard to make up for what he has done. She doesn’t know how she is going to make it through there.
           I would recommend this realistic fictional novel to mostly girls because it is written in a girl’s perspective. I think this book is very good, even though I didn’t finish it yet. It always keeps me wanting to read more because something new always happened in her life, whether it was good or bad. Read this book if you want to find out to see if she survives tenth grade and living with her father!
 Alyssa M.
Miss Heater

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