Monday, February 13, 2012

The Best of Me By Nicholas Sparks

You are the perfect, rich, straight A student. You are in love with him, “a Cole.” What will you choose? A life of success or a life of unconditional love?
   The book I am reading is The Best of Me by Nicholas Sparks. In 1984, Dawson Cole and Amanda Collier fall in love. But after a family conflict and a messy break up, they don’t speak for twenty-five years. Years later, the death of an old friend brings them back together. Will they have the same burning passion for each other or will it fizzle out?
   This book is as intense as the game point at the Super Bowl. I have not finished this book yet, but it is phenomenal. You never expect what’s going to happen. You can read a page, predict what’s going to occur next, and something totally different happens. I predict that Dawson and Amanda’s feelings for each other will come back and they will do something they’ll regret. I can’t wait to see if my predictions come true. Another reason why I like this book is because I love Nicholas Sparks. I love the way he writes, his love stories, and how he can make you picture every little thing.
Corrinne C.
Ms. Heater

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