Thursday, February 23, 2012

Among the Imposters Blog By Margaret Peterson Haddix

            Every breath you take is another breath you are not aloud to take. Every government official’s job is to find you and kill you. You haven’t been outside in years because your mother fears they will find you. You are a third child and you are illegal. What would you do?
            This is how daily life is for Luke, a third child who’s been in hiding ever since he was born. You may be wondering what a third child is? Well, in this book, it is illegal to have more than two children, so they call them a “third child” or “shadow children.”   Luke, for the first time, goes to boarding school. With his fake ID in hand, he sets off to discover the secrets’ at Hendricks’s School for Boys.   
            I prescribe this book to anyone hankering for mystery with a twist of science fiction.  The book takes you on a roller coaster ride, unlocks secrets, solves mysteries, and opens a door to government lies. Every twist and turn reveals a new shocking secret. One day Luke will be minding his own business and the next he is getting questioned by his peers. The writing style is amazing. It allows you to visualize the story. You can connect with the struggles and the mystery. Who doesn’t like a mystery that desperately needs to be solved?

Lauren E.
Miss Heater

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