Monday, February 13, 2012

Ranger Apprentice:The Siege of Macindaw by John Flanagan

            Chunk! Chunk! Chunk! It is the sound of arrows slamming against the tree above your head. You look behind you to see trigger-happy men with crossbows shooting at you. There is no way you could possibly outrun ten armed men in the woods. So you use your whistle because it is louder than a jet engine, and within seconds, your loyal steed bursts from the bushes. You leap on top of him, you whisper, "run" in its ear, and you both shoot forward into the darkness of the forest. Because of your extreme talents you know they will never find you.
     My favorite character in this story is Halt. Halt is what people call a Ranger. A Ranger is usually a shady man with a series of sharp combat knives and a powerful bow covered with a long dark cloak. Many people think Ranger's have special powers because they can blend in with their surroundings. These mysterious warriors prevent war from breaking out between friendly kingdoms.
            The problem in the story is that Will, once an apprentice to legendary Ranger Halt, must investigate a so-called wizard in a forgotten kingdom. To appeal to the public, Ranger Will dresses up as a common jester to draw information for the people of this foul place they call a castle. Once Will arrives at the castle a century old sorcerer has poisoned the glorious king. Will believes the son of the king, Orman, is responsible for his father's illness.  Will is about to find out who the real sorcerer is, and he will become the kingdom’ number one criminal. Will he save the king? Will he clear his name? Or will the royal army capture him? Find out in Ranger's Apprentice Book 6.
      The Ranger's Apprentice book 6 by John Flanagan is overall a really well written book. I recommend this book to people whom like action and adventure books. The great thing about the Ranger's Apprentice series is that the books have no more than one hundred pages in them. Another great thing is that you don't have to read all the previous books to know what’s happening. My favorite thing about the book is how the character's act and their battles with other characters. I highly suggest you read this book.
Zack B.                                                                                                                                                   
Miss Heater 

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