Monday, February 13, 2012

As Easy As Falling Off The Face Of The Earth By Lynne Rae Perkins

“Plop!” Your boot just dropped into a pond. You look over and realize you’ve missed your train. You check your phone; unfortunately it’s dead. What are you going to do now? That’s what Ry, the main character, is trying to figure out. As Easy As Falling Off The Face Of The Earth is a fictional book written by Lynne Rae Perkins. Finding out that the camp that seemed to be his safe haven turns out to be closed almost causes the death of him. With one shoe, ripped clothes, and open wounds, where will he go? How will he get there? What would you do you’re stuck out in the wilderness with no chance of survival? Little do you know, it gets worse before it gets better…
The first time I read this book, I skimmed over many of the pages, and found it difficult to comprehend. When I took the time to fall deeply into the story, I realized this book was remarkable! Have you ever looked for something, and in all that time you were looking, it was right in front of your face? That’s what it was like. I was looking for an amazing book when all this time it was right in front of me. It has twists and turns, and makes you think about life from a different perspective. I recommend this book to any one who has a hunger for adventure.  This book helps people be more carful and think twice about the paths they choose. 

Katt K.
Miss Heater

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