Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Speak By Laurie Halse Anderson

            Your friends hate you, you can’t tell your parents, and you’re cackled at everywhere you go.  Would you be able to suffer through it?  In the book Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson, Melinda Sordino is hardly hanging on. She is in social suicide, her grades are barely above a D, and everyone despises her (including some of her teachers). If you don’t believe Melinda’s life could get any worse, you are absolutely, one hundred percent wrong.
I really adore this novel. When you are reading, you’ll notice that the author doesn’t come out and explain why Mel’s friends hate her. This writing style adds tension and suspense because you want to find out what really happened. I would recommend this book to teenage girls because of all of the drama that takes place.  I hope you enjoy this book as much as I did.  Happy reading!
Courtney P.
Miss Heater

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