Monday, February 13, 2012

Mockingjay By Suzanne Collins

You are the Mockingjay. You are the one who must protect everyone from the evil Capitol. You are the leader of the rebellions, fighting to the death.  Bloody gashes, paralyzed body parts, insanity, your worst fears coming alive like a fast pace action movie. This book is Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins, the third novel in The Hunger Games series. Katniss Everdeen, the main character, is very fierce and witty.  She is the mockingjay. Katniss is in love with Peeta Mellark and Gale, but will her love for each of the boys and her family and the loathing for the Capitol, be enough to save the districts? 
If I had the position of leading a rebellion, I don’t think I would last to fight the battles. Yeah, I am strong, but I would probably be severely killed. I mean, running against a government; them equipped with any weapon known to man, and you with a few bundles of arrows. Add to that always wondering and worrying about the ones you love (hoping they will still be alive) and worrying about the guy you’re destined to be with. I know that Gale loves Katniss, but I think that she should keep a mutual friendship with him because if she would be with Gale, it would crash their whole friendship. Plus, she is meant to be with Peeta. The game to fight is unfair by all means, but can she win the district’s freedom? This book is an astounding novel, but can be perplexing if you don’ t understand the rules of the games and the Quarter Quell. This book is a marvelous read for boys and girls who want to find out about love, the districts, the Capitol, and the war. Who will win?
Sydney L.
Ms. Heater

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