Monday, February 27, 2012

Heartless By Sara Shepard

Cover imageThere lies the body of the girl who was thought to be killed years ago. Ashes and smoke blind the girls, making them unaware of reality and fantasy. Red and heavy heat filled the air. Two glistening eyes then opened. Disbelief filled Emily, Hanna, Spencer, and Aria. But then each girl was viciously pulled away, thrown on a stretcher. They threw their arms and kicked their legs trying to escape, but they were hopeless. They all were pulled to different ambulances, but all thinking the same thing. We need to go save Ali.
My book Heartless by Sara Shepard really appeals to me. The Pretty Little Liar series is my favorite set of books that I’ve ever read. I can relate to the drama and boy troubles, and make connections to my life. I hate reading, but I found that while reading this, it kept me focused, unlike most other books. The pace of this novel is fast moving, attention grabbing, and it always has a twist around every corner. I would recommend this to girls who are into drama and mystery stories.

Christie N.
Miss Heater

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