Monday, February 13, 2012

Marcelo in the Real World By Francisco X. Stork

Could you ever think of having some kind of Autism that no doctor knows about?  Marcelo in the Real World is a lighthearted, adventurous story. It can really touch someone’s heart. It certainly touched mine. Marcelo has some type of autism that no doctor can determine what it is. His dad wants to help Marcelo get into the real world so he makes Marcelo work in the mailroom at his law firm. While working there, Marcelo meets a girl like no other. Her name is Jasmine. Marcelo starts to grow feelings for her, but he doesn’t know if she feels the same way. He has to face his fears with work, love, and becoming a man.
I recommend this book to guys and girls and someone who likes adventure books. This book can really inspire you to do better in life it shows you how lucky you are not having a disability. This book is about a 7th or 8th grade level. I couldn’t believe how inspired I was while reading this novel. I recommend this book to people of all ages. I think it is a superb book!

Carly B.
Miss Heater

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