Monday, February 13, 2012

The Name of the Star By Maureen Johnson

You are the only one who knows who the murderer is.  You are the only one who knows the truth.
            In my book, The Name of the Star by Maureen Johnson, Rory Devaux starts in a new school.  We all know how hard that can be; not to mention, she is overseas in London.  When she arrives at the school, her driver warns her that strange things have been happening.  Jack the Ripper, an infamous serial killer from the late 1800’s, has awakened from the dead and is killing again.  No one knows who actually is committing the crimes, and the murderer is never caught on camera.  The terror grows in Rory when she starts to see “things” no one else can.  Nothing makes sense. But one thing is for sure, Jack the Ripper is back.
            I think this book is best fit for someone with a deviously vivid imagination.  You have to be able to follow a gruesome story that spins like a top.  I like to picture the story as a movie when I read.  It helps me remember what’s happening.  If you like to visualize the gory past mixed with the present, you would love this book.  It has powerful imagery and intriguing descriptions that make it easy to create a criminal investigation in your head.  Some points in the story are harder to picture, but with an open imagination, the story will be far more interesting.  If you like stories with a twist, The Name of the Star will keep you spinning like a merry-go-round. 

Haley M.
Miss Heater

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