Monday, February 27, 2012

Purple Heart By Patricia McCormick

Cover imageWake …. people see it many ways. Someone can wake when he has a realization point in his life. Someone can wake when he knows who he really is or destined to be. Most people live when they’re awake, and rest when they sleep; while others rest when they’re awake and live when they sleep, or sometimes-in thought. Most people see the word wake and think of a 6 a.m alarm clock buzzer, but for Matt it was a struggle, a journey and a beginning from an escaped end.
When I picked up this book I expected blood, gore, and a non-stop slaughterhouse. But what I found was a very drama- filled story. Almost all of the beginning of the story took place in a hospital bed and had many flashbacks. It is a realistic fiction story, but it has a twist of mystery in it. There are a few spots in the book of violence and death, but definitely is not very bloody. It does include a lot of military weaponry and intelligence. It has a mid-moving pace and a reasonable amount of dialogue. This story deserves all the publicity it’s getting. I wouldn’t recommend this book to anyone looking for a violent and bloody book. Although I would recommend this to anyone looking for a book filled with drama and betrayal. It may seem hard to accept for any readers not a fan of war books, but is definitely worth a try.

Ryan S.
Miss Heater

Heartless By Sara Shepard

Cover imageThere lies the body of the girl who was thought to be killed years ago. Ashes and smoke blind the girls, making them unaware of reality and fantasy. Red and heavy heat filled the air. Two glistening eyes then opened. Disbelief filled Emily, Hanna, Spencer, and Aria. But then each girl was viciously pulled away, thrown on a stretcher. They threw their arms and kicked their legs trying to escape, but they were hopeless. They all were pulled to different ambulances, but all thinking the same thing. We need to go save Ali.
My book Heartless by Sara Shepard really appeals to me. The Pretty Little Liar series is my favorite set of books that I’ve ever read. I can relate to the drama and boy troubles, and make connections to my life. I hate reading, but I found that while reading this, it kept me focused, unlike most other books. The pace of this novel is fast moving, attention grabbing, and it always has a twist around every corner. I would recommend this to girls who are into drama and mystery stories.

Christie N.
Miss Heater

Drums, Girls, and Dangerous Pie By Jordan Sonnenblick

Cover image          How would you react when you heard one of your family members has cancer? Drums, Girls, and Dangerous Pie is an impeccable book to read. This book is about a fourteen year old kid named Steven who plays the drum and his life is almost normal. The reason why his life is almost is because his five year old brother, Jeffery, falls terminally ill. To Steven, Jeffery is the most annoying brother on the planet. But one day changes Jeffrey and Steven’s life upside down.
          Steven was making oatmeal for Jeffrey, and Jeffrey fell off of their bar stool, and landed on the ground. Blood was everywhere; Jeffery’s mom and dad were freaking out, and hours later when they come back from the hospital, Steven finds out that Jeffery has leukemia. As of right now, Steve is forced to deal with his brother’s illness and his and his parents’ attempts to keep the family together.
         This book has a very easy flow to follow. This book’s dark topic of cancer has given a dark coating of evil on the story. Even though it’s a heavy topic, sensitive readers can withstand the drama of a child with cancer. Although, I wouldn’t recommend this book to people, who’s family member has cancer; it’s too sad.

Isaiah F.
Miss Heater

Ruthless Blog By Sara Shepard

Your bone is sticking out and your blood is everywhere!  You don’t know if you’re going to make it.  Who knows?  Anyway, let’s get talking about my book.
Do you like blood? No? Yes? Well, if you like little bits of blood, then you’re in luck because this pleasurable book has just the right amount of blood and other things. Sara Shepherd calls this book Ruthless! Do you like to read series? If so, you’re in luck because this just keeps getting better and better! There are ten books in this tremendous Pretty Little Liars series. The first novel in this series is, Pretty Little Liars. This all leads up to the main question of the entire series. Who is their secret stalker, A? 
I believe that kids from age 13 through 17 would be fond of this series!  This is one of the best series that I have ever picked up. The main thing that makes me read book after book is, at the end of each one, they end with a cliffhanger. These books might leave you with a thousand and one questions, but they are always answered in the next book. I like this marvelous book because people that have not been around in the past few books are back.  Also, I like it because it is one of the last books, so everything is coming together and all of the girls’ last few secrets are coming out.  I won’t give away too much, but I have one last thing to say… READ THESE CLIFFHANGING, MIND BLASTING, AND AWESOME BOOKS!
Christina H.
Miss Heater

Thursday, February 23, 2012

The Rules of Survival By Nancy Werlin

I thought my mom was crazy, but compared to Nicki, I don’t think you’ll ever meet a person as illogical as her. She is truly one psychotic woman. You’ll be glad you don’t have a mom like her. I sure am.
Nicki, a mother of three, is beyond atrocious. She loves her kids differently than any other mom. Does your mom ever dangle you by one leg on slippery rocks at the beach, saying we’re just having fun? I don’t think so. Does your mom ever drive on the opposite side of the road as a “fun adventure” nearly killing you and everyone in the car? Those are some of the life threatening experiences that are involved in this staggering book.
This book is invigorating. I read it in one day; it had me hooked and I couldn’t put it down. I would recommend this to anyone. It was kind of a sad story at times, but it kept me on the edge of my seat wondering if their mom’s next careless move might be their last. This is a book I’m sure you’ll like if you’re into heart-wrenching stories with surprise endings.

Brianna R.
Ms. Heater