Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Wonder By R.J Palacio

Have you ever been judged by the way you look? Well in the book Wonder by R.J Palacio, August Pullman has been bullied a lot. The genre is realistic fiction. This is realistic fiction because all events that happen in this book could happen in real life, for example bullying, being different, and also friendships. August is a really nice, smart, and kind kid. Unlike Julian, He is nice sometimes but can be bossy, mean, and rude. August is always bullied in school and sometimes outside of school in present day. August always gets bullied because of how his face looks. Some would say he is ¨Deformed¨ or he looks like a ¨Monster.¨ People would leave him mean notes, call him names, and talk about him behind his back. August does have friends like Summer and Jack. He also has his family like Olivia his sister and parents Isabel and Nate. Another character is Mr.Tushman the principal of August's school. August goes through some tough courses and he tries to stay strong.

My Opinion about the book Wonder is that it's really good but also sad. I like this book because it shows "Don't judge a book by it's cover." I think this because August may have a different face, but he's a really nice and sweet kid. I also like this book because it shows how someone people can be true friends and some can't. I would recommend this book for everyone mostly because it could help you understand situations in school. If I were you I would read this book really soon.
By, Cammie P.

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