Friday, June 10, 2016

Five Kingdoms Crystal Keepers!!!

  Five Kingdoms Crystal Keepers by Brandon Mull. The genre of my book is fantasy because there are swords that can jump when you demand them too. This book is a series book so you have to read the other two books. In my book Mira is a princess with the rest of her sisters because their father the High King stole their powers and is said to have killed them. Cole is helping Mira find all of her sisters before the king finds them because they escaped from prison.  Joe, Mira's protector, is part of the Unseen. Joe was captured by the police and was getting transferred. While getting transferred the Unseen and Cole and his friends were trying to retrieve Joe back because the police would torture him for information on the princesses. While trying to Joe back Cole was captured by the Hunter. The Hunter said that Cole was his brother and Cole didn't believe him but he finally did. After that the Unseen retrieved Joe. What will happen to Cole and Mira?
The title of my book is
                 Five Kingdoms Crystal Keepers is the best book that everyone should read. This is because the author leaves you hanging with his word choices. Also there is so much action and adventure you never stop reading. I love this book because you never know what will happen next. The next book you should read is Five Kingdoms Crystal Keepers.
Jim G.
Spicer 5/6

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