Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Fantasy League, By Mike Lupica

     The book Fantasy League is an action packed book filled with excitement, drama, and suspenseful events. The genre of Fantasy League is realistic fiction. The main characters of my book are Charlie, Anna, and Joe Warren. Charlie is a 13 year old boy who loves football, and he knows everything about football. He even plays it, and watches every single game there is. One day he is invited by his friend Anna to go to the L.A Bulldogs game. Charlie obviously accepts the offer, and goes. Both Anna and Charlie stay up in the Penn House with the owner of the team, which also is Anna's grandfather. His name is Joe Warren. Charlie makes a suggestion to draft the quarterback Tom Pinkney, which Joe does. The news get out to everyone, and Joe plus Charlie are the main events. While all this drama goes around Joe decides to make Charlie a coach. Imagine being a 13 year old boy, and becoming a NFL coach! Charlie obviously goes through a lot, but for the ending. Well you'll have to read it, and find it out yourselves.

     I like this book because it is really cool, and I love football. I am for this book because it has a bunch of action, it is super funny, and it is relatable. I would recommend the book Fantasy League mainly to boys and girls. Yes, a football book suggested to boys and girls! I recommend this to boys and girls because for the boys, they usually like sports and a bunch of action. Also, girls would like this because the secret relationship between Anna and Charlie, and most girls like drama. If you don't like suspense, drama, and a load of action, then the book Fantasy League is not for you.
                   - Karson D.
                   - Mrs. Spicer 5/6

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