Tuesday, June 14, 2016

The Maze Runner is the book I chose to write my blog about. The author is James Dashner, and the genre is science fiction. The book starts off with our main character Thomas, waking up in a giant, pitch black, elevator. Thomas has no recollection of any memory, even his own name! After about an hour of riding in the giant elevator, it comes to a sudden stop. The top of the elevator slides open and there stands a group of boys ranging from the age of twelve to seventeen. They help Thomas out of the box and one of the most confusing sights Thomas has ever seen is the huge open area of land the boys call the Glade. There are four ginormous walls blocking off the rest of the Glade. After Thomas sees this he starts to blurt out questions like crazy, asking how he got to where he is and what the Glade is. Their leader, Alby explains that the Glade is the place all the boys live in and that the walls protect them from monsters outside. The only twist is that the Glade is only the part inside the walls, outside, is a huge labyrinth that opens during the day and closes at night. Alby also tells Thomas about the maze and who explores it. There is a group of boys called runners which go and explore the maze and look for a way out. The only catch is, there are monsters in the maze. All of the runner s must be in by sunset and if not, the walls close and they are left out in the maze with a bunch of monsters called grievers. They thrive for blood and flesh. Thomas meets a boy named Chuck and they become best friends the first day Thomas is there. After a week of being there, Thomas has remembered his name, and everything is starting to come together. There's only one issue. Alby, their leader, didn't come back after exploring the maze, and Thomas decides to go looking for him. As soon as he stepped in the walls closed shut, and will remain shut till dawn.

I think others will love to read this book because of the characters and the action in the book. Every second of the book includes a tidal wave of action and suspense. The characters are also very funny and have a good sense of humor. Others might not like this book because of the unrealistic setting it takes place in. There is also some very sad moments which might make the ready very emotional. This book is kind of for boys just because all the characters but one are boys. I still recommend you read this book even if you're a girl because of the intense action and setting of the book. If you like books like Monument 14 or The Hunger Games Series I really recommend giving this book a read.

-Chase Gardiner
Spicer 8-9

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