Friday, June 10, 2016

13 Hours by Mitchell Zuckoff

  What would you do if your house gets invaded and is set on fire?13 Hours is a narrative nonfiction book by Mitchell Zuckoff. The book takes place in 2012 in Benghazi, Libya. Back in 2012, Benghazi's crisis level was deemed critical. Throughout the world here are secret CIA bases where ex-military operators are put to make sure that there is support in dangerous cities. In September of 2012, A U.S. ambassador came to visit Benghazi. During the visit, the ambassador stays at a  huge. compound. On September 11, 2012, the compound is invade by terrorists and set on fire. Six american special ops soldiers, Jack Silva, Tyrone "Rone" Woods, Chris "Tanto" Paronto, Mark "Oz" Geist, John "Tig" Tiegan, and Glen "Bub" Doherty, decide to disavow orders to try to save The ambassador. Along the way they are faced with continuous fire and much confusion. Will they survive in the end of the now called Battle of Benghazi? Find out by reading this action packed book.
         I would recommend this book to anyone. The book perfectly depicts the events of The Battle of Benghazi. The book is action packed from the very start of the story to the very last page. The story is very intense and has very interesting characters each with different backgrounds. The book is also interesting because it is about a true event giving factual information while being an awesome book. If you want to read a book about true courage and american patriotism, 13 Hours is the perfect book for you.

            Vish P. Spicer 5/6

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