Tuesday, June 14, 2016

The Giver by Lois Lowry

     The book The Giver is a Sci fiction book.  It takes place in in a community where you cannot see color, animals, hear the buzzing of insects, make your own choices, or have grandparents,your own children, long distance friends, or escape.  The story starts when Jonas is 10. He  is born and raised in this community.  The narrator tells us about his daily life about his sister.  Soon Jonas turns 12 and he gets his assigned job(which is normal) ,and he will have to keep this job till he is too old to work.  When he is given the job as The Receiver he knows that this job has great honor.   Jonas isn't that fond of being different than everyone else or of getting such an important job as this.  When he goes to his job for the first time he meets his mentor ,The Giver,. The Giver gives him memories of the past filled with color,happiness,sound,pain,death, and sadness.  The more Jonas gets these memories the more he thinks the community should be able to see color, have animals, and be able to make their own choices.  When he figures is little brother ,Abraham, is going to be killed by the elders because he cries too much at the nursery.  He and The Giver plan out a way to leave the community and give back the memories to the people of the community and save Abraham life.  Jonas gets Abraham and successfully leaves the community.  They live and sleep outside.  The farther they go from the community the colder it gets and the more memories Jonas loses.  Soon Jonas loses his last memory of warmth and Jonas and Abraham are on the verge of death.  Suddenly they see a warm cabin covered in christmas light and people laughing and singing inside.
  I enjoyed this book a lot.  From the action pact moments to the psychological problem both The Giver and Jonas had.  One reason I enjoyed this book was that Jonas protected Abraham with his life.  He escaped the community not knowing what was out in the real world. Another reason I liked this book was that The Giver allowed Jonas to ask any question he wanted to.  The last reason I enjoyed this book is that the community didn't have what we have.  They didn't have color or even know what color was.     This is a great book perfect for anyone.  Even if you don't like sci-fi.

by:Danielle DeVard

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