Thursday, June 9, 2016

Monument 14: Sky On Fire By Emmy Laybourne

*Exclaimer* This is the second book in the series. The first book is entitled Monument 14. Read the first book first before you read this one. It is a continuous story. 

 Dean is type O blood type so he  decided to stay with Astrid (senior in high school), Chloe (third grader) Henry and Caroline McKinley (both in kindergarten). Different natural disasters caused a lot of chemicals to be released into the air because of some malfunctions. These chemicals cause people to react differently based on their blood type. Type O makes you turn into a rage monster. Type AB causes paranoia. Finally Type B causes you to get extreme blisters.  The other people teens and children apart of the monument 14 left the 5 to try and make to Denver Airport, where they were sending planes to Canada and Alaska. Their plan was to get to safety and then send people to the superstore in Colorado to get the others saved. While the others are on the bus on their way ton safety, Dean and company are battling against themselves because of the different type O's and other people trying to get inside the superstore. Alex is also battling different problems with traveling and invaders. Find out if these two brothers can find each other and if they can reconnect with their friends and family.

This book is a great read and I recommend it to young adults. It has fast paced action and it has like good character development. This books makes people feel for the characters and makes you have a connection for them. They are going through normal teenage things throughout the story while this epidemic is going on. Even if you don't feel like reading the first book, there is a little explainer at the very beginning of the book. Also if it gets confusing at one point, it will always explain what's happening at one point in the book. Make sure you pick up Monument 14: Sky On Fire. It will make you not want to put the book down.

By:Ben Hamilton 
Ms. Spicer 5/6

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