Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Ready Player One by Ernest Cline

Click for more information on this titleIn the mid 1900's, a man named James Halliday started creating games. When his career started getting big, he made a hit game called OASIS. OASIS is a virtual reality game that combines real life aspects such as schools with video game aspects like dungeons and collecting cool items. This game became popular very fast and litterally everyone started playing OASIS. This is got Halliday most of his fame. One day, Halliday gets very sick and passes away. Right before he dies though, he released a video that explains he has put a secret in the game. He states that there are 3 very well hidden keys and gates spread across the game. If you find all the keys and unlock all the gates, you will win Halliday's entire fortune, which includes all of his money, his lawyers, his assistants, and his entire company.   Halliday has given hints and also put in a leaderboard to keep track at who has what keys and what gates unlocked. After players (also known as gunthers) saw the video, they immediately went on the game to try and look for these keys. Everyone around the world was looking for these keys, but with no luck.  Many years have passed and still no one has even gotten close to finding just one of the keys. It wasn't until a player named Wade Watts found the first key. He figures out that the clues Halliday has given all relate to old video games riddles and secrets.  Soon after, a group called the Sixers tracks Wade's location and reveals his location and everyone goes there to get the key. Since everyone knows where the 1st key is, everyone is now on the hunt for the second key. Unfortunately, the Sixers find the 2nd key and unlocks the 2nd gate before anyone else. Now they are searching for the 3rd key. Will the Sixers win all the money? Will Wade unlock the final gate before the Sixers? Read this book to find out.
     Ready Player One is my favorite book I've read this year. I would definitely reccomend this book to people who like video games and science fiction. One reason I really like this book is because it incorporates all kinds of video game history old and new like Mario or Link to make player advance in the game. The next reason I really like this book is because each character has their own special outfits, cool abilities, and magical items to make each and every character unique. The last reason I think this is a fantastic book is because the plot will always keep you on your toes but also with a little humor along the way. This is a fantastic book everyone should read at one point.

Rico T.
Spicer 8/9

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