Tuesday, June 14, 2016

The Body In The Woods by April Henry.

Cover image The book I have chosen for my blog is The Body In The Woods by April Henry. This book is part of a series but this particular book is the first! The book's genre is realistic fiction because there is realistic events that happen throughout the book. The book starts with the three main characters that get put in the same group for the Portland Search and Rescue team. Alexis is an only child and lives with her mom. When she is not in school or with the search and rescue team she is trying to find a new way to cover up her mother´s mental illnesses. Nick lives with his siblings and mom. His dad died out in war when Nick was young. Nick is always hiding his fear of failing. And lastly Ruby who always wants to pursue her career but is always finding trouble with her parents. When the group was walking through the woods looking for the lost autistic they came across of body of a dead girl. As they were walking around the crime scene they found a notebook but a old man came and claimed it. Over the span of the next couple weeks more girls are dying and the three students want to find the cold hearted killer before they get one of their own.

I would recommend this book because there is never a dull moment in the book. While you are reading you are so excited to see what happens next. While you sit there and read you are always smiling at what just happened on that page. Also there is so many cliffhangers at the end of chapters that make you keep reading and reading till you find out how that problem is going to get solved and before you know it you read almost fifty pages. Lastly, there are so many twist and turns because you think you know how the book was going to end but then boom it's changed and you have no idea now. You sit there and think, ¨OH MY GOSH I think I won't be able to stop reading this book!¨ Or you think you know how that chapter is going to end but you are one hundred percent wrong. Overall this was a fantastic book and I can't wait to read on in the series.

Taylor W

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