Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Charisma By Jeanne Ryan

                Everyone gets anxious every once and awhile. Whether its before a big recital or a school test. For Aislyn though Anxiety controls her life! In the science fiction book,Charisma, By Jeanne Ryan A young girl Aislyn can't even step foot into a party without screaming and running away. All of her life has been constant panic attacks and social anxiety. Aislyn becomes to fear that her anxiety is ruining her life. This is why when a Doctor named Dr. Steinfield offers her to try out a new gene therapy called Charisma(Aka CZ88) she jumps right at the offer. Charisma is a shot that alters your genes and makes you more confident and outgoing. After the shot Aislyn is starting to become more popular and taking risks. Everyone loves her new personality! Everything is going just peachy until some side effects start to kick in. Aislyn begins to faint frequently and gets pounding headaches. Dr. Steinfield assures her that the side effects are only temporary and she will be ok. Aislyn believes her until news breaks out that other kids around the world have been getting hit with the same symptoms as her! A local doctor rounds up all of the effected kids and begins to examine them. Instantly all of the lies and secrets are released to the public. Charisma turns out to be deathly! Will anyone get hurt? Will they find a cure? Also, what happened to the supposed evil mastermind behind Charisma? All of your questions will be answered in one book, Charisma!
                    I completely adore this book because of it's well developed characters, plot twists, and cliff hangers! This book had me on the edge of my seat! I was flipping pages rapidly. The stories concept was like something I had never read before. It was completely original. Also, it's characters were well developed and you could visualize them. Even the random side characters had developed characteristics that really helped develop the story. Another reason I loved this book is because of it's plot twists. You think you know what's going to happen next but then you flip the page and the unexpected happened. It really made the story very enticing. Finally, this books cliff hangers really made it irresistible! Page after page I couldn't wait to find out what would happen next! Overall I think this book is a great read for anyone and I highly recommend it!

By: Casey N Period 1&3

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