Friday, June 10, 2016

The Lightning Thief By Rick Riordan

Cover image            On a field trip a teen boy named Percy Jackson is about to discover a whole new life for him that will change everything for him. One day on a field trip Percy went to the museum and his substitute teacher took him into a separate room to talk to him and out of no were his teacher turns into a Fury (A mythical creature) who wanted a lightning bolt. Luckily his teacher and his best friend Grover happened to come and see what happened and stopped it from hurting Percy. Percy had many questions but there was no time his teacher gave him a pen and told him to use it when needed. Grover took Percy back to Percy's apartment to Warn his mom. He also lived his mean smelly stepfather who's lazy. When they warned his mom they went straight to a place called camp half blood for special gifted kids who were considered demi-gods (part human and part God). On the way to camp a Minotaur appears out of no were to try and stop them, Percy's mom ends up dying and Percy ends up killing the Minotaur with the pen that turns into a sword, after that experience Percy passes out. Percy wakes up about 3 days later thinking it was a dream, but Grover tells him its not. Grover showed Percy around the camp to find out about his father the god of the seas Poseidon and how he helps him every now and then. Percy came just in time to play capture the flag. As they were playing Percy started to run and found the flag, but it was harder to get then he thought. A girl named Annabeth was protecting it her mother is Athena the god of wisdom, crafts, and battle strategy and it turns out it also runs in her blood. As they were fighting Percy was losing and once he was defeated he heard his father's voice saying go to the water. As Percy dragged his injured body to the water he was healed by the water and given incredible strength and strategy to win for his team.

           I like this book because it kept me on the end of my seat and it had great action, adventure, and mythical creatures. I like the fact that Percy uses his powers not only to help people, but the way he uses them as not a way to get revenge on his enemies. I also likes this book because Grover is funny he kept me laughing threw the book and the he helps Percy threw his adventure. I would recommend this book to anyone who likes action, adventure, Greek gods and monsters, and a little bit of comedy.

                                                                                 Karim G. Spicer, Period: 8-9

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