Friday, June 10, 2016

QB1 by Mike Lupica

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I have read a realistic fiction book about a high school quarterback in Texas called
QB 1 by Mike Lupica. In the book Jake Cullen(main character) lives in his brother(Wyatt Cullen) and dad's "shadow." His brother won the championship the year before and his dad won when he was in high school. His team promises that he will be given the starting job laid out for him on a silver platter but since he is not as good at football as his brother and dad Jake has to work and struggle for every pass and snap. Jake has to compete for quarterback with Casey Lindell. Jake beats Casey and gets the position. Later in the season in the playoffs Jake is losing their playoffs and is forced to run for the touchdown. Jake manages to make it down the field but just as he gets up to the end zone he gets rammed and knocked out. As he wakes up later in the hospital the first thing he sees is his dad followed by the football still in his hands. Jake's dad informs Jake that he made the winning touchdown. Then he learns that he has a concussion and can't play in the championship. Jake makes the decision that Casey Lindell should be quarterback. But after Casey plays bad at practice Jake invites Casey to his house where his dad teaches him plays and how to throw better. Casey takes these skills to the championship and ends the game with the new play "Lindell to Cullen" which becomes grants Casey the game winning points to take the championship. Casey and Jake made an effort to help the team win and it worked.
I recommend this book to middle schoolers who like football and/or realistic fiction books that they can relate to(if they can relate to a football quarterback who is nervous around pretty girls and lives in the shadow of his family). I like this book because it is a book that I really feel like I am in while I am reading it. Whether it is Jake sprinting down the field with five seconds left or Jake sitting on the bed at the hospital I feel like I am right next to him experiencing everything with him. In conclusion, QB 1 is a very immersive book that you can lose track of time reading for hours and really relate to some things in it.
Cameron J
Spicer 8/9

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