Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard: The Sword of Summer by Rick Riordan

       Magnus Chase isn't your average 16 year old boy. Magnus lives under a bridge in Boston without his family and hasn't been to school since his mother died. He has some friends, Blitz and Hearth which have been there for Magnus his whole life. Then, Magnus' life turns upside down. Magnus finds his uncle Randolph, one of the last family members he has left. Randolph tells Magnus that he is a demigod and his father which is alive, is Frey, the god of spring and summer. Magnus believes that his uncle is crazy, that's what his mother said before she died. Magnus and Randolph go to find the Sword of Summer, Frey's sword. Then, an evil demon named Surt comes to take the sword and rule Midgard or Earth. Magnus tries to stop Surt but he sadly dies but with Surt right next to him, sort of. Magnus wakes up in Valhalla, the hall of the dead that Odin deems worthy. Magnus ends up meeting Sam, the Valkyrie. Since Magnus is now in charge of the sword so Sam tells him that he must get it back before Surt finds it. Magnus finds his way out of Valhalla and goes to find the sword with the help of his friends Blitz or Blitzen an elf and Heath or Hearthstone, a magic elf. Magnus, Sam, Hearthstone, and Blitzen go on a journey to find the sword to stop Surt from killing Frey with it at Ragnarok before it's too late! Will they find it or will Surt get to the sword first? 
        I  would recommend this book to anyone, young or old, boy or girl. This book is definitely fantasy because of the all the gods, worlds, spells, etc. Magnus Chase tells the story through his point of view and an has something funny to say for every page. People will also like this book because of the suspenseful parts and of all the wild and mythical characters throughout the book. Overall, Magnus Chase and the gods of Asgard: The Sword of Summer is such a great book to read by an amazing author, Rick Riordan who has written many other amazing mythology books like Percy Jackson, Heroes of Olympus, and the Kane Chronicles. Everyone can enjoy this book, even adults. So what are you waiting for, go find this book on the shelf and get reading, I'm guaranteeing you that you won't regret it. Also remember to look out for the second book, Hammer of Thor, the second book in the series.

     By Josh Collius
       Spicer 5-6

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